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"The Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual" and the "Stormwater for the State of California, Department of Transportation (Order No. CASQA develops and publishes four Best Management Practices (BMP) Handbooks generally matched to the three kinds of stormwater permits. Vendors shall be consulted to appropriately size tank. Page 94. Dewatering Operations. NS-2. Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks. California Stormwater Quality Association These handbooks present guidance on selecting BMPs for reducing pollutants in storm water discharges. Download the complete handbook or individual handbook sections from the Table of Section 2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Planning for Municipal washing operation onsite. If washing operations are to take place onsite, then: November 2009. California Stormwater BMP Handbook. 1 of 3. Construction.
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